Kingsen Game Rules

Kingsen Game Rules

Game Setup:

  1. Place a large cup in the center.
  2. Spread a deck of cards face down around the cup.
  3. Assign a unique action to each card value before starting.
  4. Players take turns drawing a card and performing the assigned action.
  5. The game ends when the 4th king is drawn.

Card Values and Actions:

  • Ace: Everyone starts drinking simultaneously and can only stop when the person to their right stops.
  • King: Each person who draws a king pours a portion of their drink into the central cup. When the fourth king is drawn, the person who drew it must drink the entire cup.
  • Queen: Draw a Queen and become the Quizmaster. You can ask questions to other players at any time. If a player answers, they must drink. This role lasts until another Queen is drawn.
  • Jack: Draw a Jack and create a new rule that everyone must follow for the rest of the game.
  • Two: Draw a Two and take two sips.
  • Three: Draw a Three and choose a forbidden word. Anyone who says this word must drink. Each forbidden word remains valid until the end of the game.
  • Four: Draw a Four and become the Thumb King. You can secretly place your thumb on the table at any time. Other players must follow suit, and the last one to do so must drink. This role lasts until another Four is drawn.
  • Five: Draw a Five and give out five sips to another player. Option: distribute the sips.
  • Six: Draw a Six and choose whether all girls or all boys must take two sips.
  • Seven: Draw another card. If you draw a red card, take a shot yourself. If you draw a black card, nominate someone else to take a shot.
  • Eight: Draw an Eight and choose someone to be your "buddy." Each time you drink, your buddy must also drink.
  • Nine: Draw a Nine and say a word. All others must then say a word that rhymes with yours in turn. The first to fail takes 3 sips.
  • Ten: Draw a Ten and choose a category. Everyone takes turns naming something in that category. The first person to fail must finish their drink.
  • JOKER - Everyone takes a shot.


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